Peaceful Home Alliance Foundation was born out of a passion to address the pervasive issue of spousal violence, a global concern that affects countless individuals and communities.
The seeds of this organization were sown when the Revd Dr. Randulph Akuna Dennis Spaine conducted research on spousal violence for his PhD thesis.
Focusing on the Northern Accra Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana, the research revealed alarming rates of spousal violence, highlighting the urgent need for targeted interventions. Recognizing the significance of translating research into action, the Revd Dr Randulph Akuna Dennis Spaine decided to establish Peaceful Home Alliance Foundation to tackle this critical issue.
Our Mission
CORE VALUES Respect: for the dignity and worth of all individuals.
Empathy: for those who have experienced domestic violence.
Non-Violence: in all our interactions and relationships.
Inclusivity: welcoming and supporting all individuals regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
Compassion: providing emotional support and care to those inneed.
Our mission is to create a safe and supportive environment for spousal violence survivors, hold perpetrators accountable, and promote healthy relationships through awareness and education. Empowering families and communities to build and maintain peaceful homes, free from violence and conflict, througheducation, support and advocacy.
Our Vission
Our vision is a society where all individuals can live free from fear and violence. A world where individuals can thrive and reach their full potential.